Wirral Islamic Cultural Centre & ShahJalal Mosque à Birkenhead (CH41 2SA)

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  • Adresse67 Whetstone Lane Birkenhead, CH41 2SA, United Kingdom
  • Téléphone 709508124
  • ItinéraireOuvrir la carte
  • SoutienReporter une erreur

1 commentaires publiées sur notre application concernant cette mosquée

  • Posté par Mark O'Brien
    03/02/2022 00:51:02
    Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing on behalf of the Wirral Needs Action group which is campaigning against the cuts to services and community assets across the Wirral. We are gravely concerned about the impact that these cuts would have on communities, and we are determined to prevent them going ahead. I am writing to ask if Wirral Islamic Cultural Centre and Shah Jalal Mosque would like to participate in this campaign. We will be holding a march and rally through Birkenhead on Saturday 26 February, ahead of the crucial Budget Council that will make the final decision about these cuts. There is an active WhatsApp group for the campaign, that you and members of your organisation would be very welcome to join. You can do that using this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JDet4cPkwgHHuATT4vXO0T If you would like information about the campaign, please do not hesitate to get in touch. With respect, Mark O’Brien Wirral Needs Action 07757426689

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Fajr 03:55
Dhuhr 14:19
Asr 18:35
Maghrib 22:16
Isha 00:33

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